Animals United (2010) Explained_Urdu Story Summarized

This film starts in a forest of Africa.

Where a small mongoose named "Billy" is seen.

He was playing with his best friend lion named "Socrates".

He hits the stone to one place and sometimes to other which was lying on floor.

In the meantime, Billy's wife arrives there.

And you are wasting your time here!
She gets furious saying, I had sent you in search of water!

Meanwhile, the ruler female elephant comes here which rule in the forest.
Now "Billy" becomes aware that he will have to go in search of water now.

 Which tells that no flood came at this time.

Scene shifts with it and big ship is seen 

Due to this, our stream has dried.

And it is the issue of being upset.

That we will not get the water in the whole season.

Now there was ocean water in the surroundings.
Where a rooster named "Charles" had been tied .

Now chef was trying to cut it to cook it.

There were the different type of the animals there.
Being afraid, "Charles" escapes from here.

"Charles" does not understand anything.

And it jumps into the water without any thought.

But his destiny favours it.

Where no human exists!
It discovers a boat as it jumps into the water.

All animals had come from the remote areas.

They all were so disturbed because of the human beings.

This was the cause as they were in the search of such place that,

Because there is no human being even at a large distance.
There was also an old turtle among these animals.

It informs everyone that migrated birds have told me,

There is an African forest with no distance.

"Billy" is only worried about his family so it alone moves ahead in search of water.
We can live peacefully while shifting there.

"Charles" says to all, I will help you to move to that place!

So accompany me with all of you!

How water may be arranged?
On the other side, there was a great trouble in the forest.

How will they survive?

Because that water was in low quantity. If buffaloes drank that water,
"Billy" had an idea that there is situated a pond, moving a little ahead.

It is small one. "Billy" will arrange water from there.

Some buffaloes and rhinos are fighting with one another.
It observes there while reaching that,

Who will drink water first?

Contrarily, Billy's son was complimenting his father before his friends.
Then it will not be left for rhinos.

"Billy" was in a great stress thinking as the water may not finish.

He directly moves to the pond, overlooking all of them.

They are enraged!
When rhinos and buffaloes cast their glance at "Billy".

How brave my father is! Now the water bottle which was in Billy's hand,

That he has gone alone to take the water from the remote area.

After a while , they observe that "Billy" is coming to them while running.

He had a little quantity of water in its caught bottle.

Number of buffaloes were running after it.

Billy's son was so excited.

This water bottle falls down because of the buffaloes.

And his son makes a lot of fun at him.

"Billy" also feels this and his son gets angry with "Billy".

"Billy" tries to reconcile with it.

But it says, You are not my father from right now!

As the water will be finished in the coming times.
He leaves from there. Billy's wife explains to her son,
You should not talk with your father as such!
"Billy" was thinking so ill as his son thinks,

But he was not lending his ears to anyone.

He says to it, We will have to arrange the water, moving somewhere alone.
That he is a loser! He goes to "Socrates".

Because my family has a dire need of water!
Then you will glimpse "Valley of Death" on the way.

And all will be in this need. "Socrates" had no plane to go anywhere.

It says to "Billy", I am satisfied here!

I am not willing to go anywhere. "Billy" says after hearing "Socrates",

Alright! I will go alone.

He begins to leave from there and "Socrates" frightens him.

There were many vultures ahead.
And it tells, when you will move ahead in search of the water,

Hearing this name, he becomes so farid.

He asks, What is this "Valley of Death"?

After this, "Socrates" tells him, I had left from here before a long time!

And he is killed who goes there!

And it will not move ahead!
"Socrates" was thinking as "Billy" will surely be afraid now.

And he feels so satisfaction as his best friend did not leave him alone.
"Billy" had left alone when "Socrates" checks.

And he reaches the " Valley of Death".

They also explain to "Billy", You should not walk forward!

"Billy" also ignores them and goes forward for the sake of his family.

"Billy" begins to feel fear as it passes a little distance.

And many animals' skeletons were lying around it.
Sounds were echoing from different places.

He glimpses "Socrates" as he turns back.
 After this, night was going to fall.

Now they start going forward. "Billy" witnesses a big shadow after a time.

That shadow belongs to leopard.

As that leopard begins to harm "Billy".

It is little confused and runs away. When "Billy" sees after turning back.

Then there was big white polar bear.

Seeing it, leopard had run away.

There also other animals which are coming here.
"Socrates" reaches here and witnesses that,

They all were the same animals and "Charles",

After this, they all fall asleep.
Which had reached here while crossing an area of water.

They all plan to stay at a place.

"Socrates" tells its story there.
That I had visited here with my brother at this "Valley of Death".

Some mysterious thing killed his brother all of a sudden.

He was a human being! "Billy" tells "Charles" and his group with this,
"Socrates" had witnessed a very strange creature for the first time.

That water has finished in our forest!

Going up, they all check,
And we have come ahead in search of water.

"Charles" wakes everyone up as the next morning arrives.

Later, it tells "Billy" and "Socrates",

We are so exhausted so we cannot move forward!
That two turtles are oldest which are with us!

So there may be any help in searching of water.
But it sends its two friends with "Socrates" and "Billy".

When they all walk forward,

There was built a big dam before them.
Then they witness that cause through which they faced lack of water .

Owner's pet monkey was displaying a very tasty items to all the people.

There has been collected much water which was the requirement of them.

There was also resort before them.

Now there was going to be held a meeting today.
Where this dam had been build in one of its corners.

On the matter of climate change!

A boat is seen around this area. Socrates" and those two animals sail away, boarding it.
In the same resort! There they witness the variety of things!

Going there, these all animals spoil that whole room.
On the other side, resort meeting is seen.

"Billy" and "Socrates" reach in this meeting room.

People are scared, seeing the arrival of a lion in the room.

Owner contacts to his hunter.

Hunter comes , taking his gun and he begins to run after "Billy".
Such wild animals had come into the resort.

He presses a button . Due to this, pool's whole water flows outside.
Now "Billy" falls into a pool of resort.

He encounters the same pet monkey on the way.
In this way, "Billy" also flows with the water ouside.

After a time, that pet monkey comes there.
Which leads "Socrates", "Billy" and their friend to a room.

Where there was a resort's great system.

And he becomes so worried, seeing the condition of the room.

It explains to everyone, You all are putting your life in danger while doing so!

"Billy" also explains to it, We cannot live bound in this room as such!

And we have to move back, taking water in such a way.
Our families are waiting for us!

After this, pet monkey tells them , If you want,

Afterwards, the whole water will flow outside.
That you may also get the water then you will have to open the gates of dam.

Now this monkey leads them into a room to open the dam gates.

Thos both turtles stop the jeep on the way.
Now hunter also reaches here while following them.

And he fires a dart from his gun.

Which strikes with "Socrates" and it losses its senses.

Billy's foot is pressed on a button while running.

Hunter instantly closes the flood gate.
Then flood gates are opened and they come outside through them.

And he starts to drive after them in their jeep.

It was his full intention that he may run them away in some way.
Saying, I will kill them today!

These all animals were running and hunter was following them in his vehicle.

And they did not want to join them.
Now "Charles" reaches here with all other animals.

Now "Billy" thinks with all of them that we will have to tell all other animals in the forest that,

As dam has been built and out forest's water has stopped due to this.

"Billy" tells all that a big dam has been built that,
After this, they all move to the forest.

And all the animals are got together.

For this, we all have to move there together.
Which has stopped the water. If we did not take any step regarding this,

Then we will never regain water.

They check all of a sudden as all buffaloes have also arrive at the back side.
Now all animals understand the whole story.

And all begin to go the dam at the same night.

There were not buffaloes and rhinos.

On the other side, "Socrates" was being sold in the resort .

All animals reach there. That hunter flies them over in a helicopter.

His plan included to throw a little missile on all those animals.

That pet monkey was also in the helicopter when hunter turns back to see.
So they may not damage the dam.

Which disturbs him a lot. When he releases the missile,

Now resort's owner and his son were observing "Socrates" there in sitting position.
Then it is stuck , moving into a pipe of a dam.

Son realizes this that it should be released as it is an animal.

And also rhinos! They were exactly pushing the dam now.
He makes "Socrates" free. Contrarily, all animals were attacking the dam as being united.

They were not enough here.

And the movie story completes on this scene.
That dam may damage in some way. The rocks begin to fall down gradually.

It was also not enough. They were thinking that,

There was lying stone near "Billy".
What should be done so this dam may be damaged with a great power.

And he throws this stone on the missile.
Which had been seen playing by him at the start of the movie.

He hits it with a stick like hockey.

All animals begin to move to the forest while flowing in this water,
As a result, missile is exploded.

Dam is broken with this and a lot of water flows outside.

"Socrates" had also come to "Billy".

All animals are very excited in the end.

As they will never face the shortage of water again.